Exhaust X-Pipes vs H-Pipes and Differences Between Them
Exhaust X-Pipes vs H-Pipes - Learn the basic differences between the most common exhaust crossover pipes—H-pipes and X-pipes—including the performance benefits gained by using each type. This article also touches on the role of backpressure and exhaust scavenging in the decision to choose an X-pipe or H-pipe exhaust kit.

Today we are going to address some questions you had about the differences between h pipes and x pipes. The question we most commonly get asked is what the difference between an h pipe and an x pipe is and which is more beneficial. Before you can understand the differences between the two we have to understand what savaging is?
Exhaust scavenging is an important part of any exhaust system and how it functions and how it going to go ahead and affect the power that is being produced by your engine. Exhaust scavenging is when you have the pulses working for you in that engine combination to where they are creating full evacuation of the cylinder so you don't have new fuel and air mixing with leftover burnt air and fuel so you get a more complete combustion cycle out of that engine.
So know that we know what scavenging is out the goal with both of these components is to equalize exhaust pulses so that the system scavenges the best that is possible can, each of these is going to do this differently. In fact, you are going to notice there has been more focus on x pipe technology in comparison to h pipe technology as of late.
The reason for this is we have come to find with h pipe technology which does work what it does is equalize the pulses but it doesn't really help the scavenging effect so much because what happens is it will equalize it from side to side from a typical v type engine but it doesn't exactly draw all the gases and force the pulses don't work off of one another in the end to really improve exhaust flow. Where is in comparison an x pipe you are kind of forcing the two to converge together and when that's happening those pulses are also working together not only to equalize those pulses from side to side of the engine but to draw on each other to make and speed up the exhaust flow and force the exhaust out of the system?
So we have concluded that in most cases an x pipe is always almost more beneficial than an h pipe is. The other question we get a lot is where should I place the x pipe or the h pipe in the system. The reality of this is the vehicle is going to dictate this, the further upstream you can place it, the better because you want those gases to converge as soon as possible. But in reality, you may have limited space where this item can be placed and in some vehicles, you cannot even get an x pipe in general because of driveshaft interference or ground clearance interference issues.
So there are going to be a lot of things to consider before you make your decision one way or the other in what is right for your vehicle. From a pure horsepower standpoint, the x pipe will always make more horsepower than an h pipe will. That does not mean the x pipe is the right choice for your vehicle application.
If you have a lower performance engine, an engine that does not have a lot of compressions or a lot of wind you may find that you put the x pipe on and it makes more peak horsepower all day long but it doesn't mean that the vehicle is going to perform better because it lacks back pressure now. The loss of that back pressure will go ahead and hurt low-end performance so the torque and the acceleration of the vehicle will then lag and you will find that the vehicle then got slower, doesn't mean it isn't making more power, this just means it's not producing the power where it needs to be produced in that engine combination.
Therefore, you may find the h pipe may be more benefits you may also come to find that neither of these is the right choice for your engine application because it really doesn't require it, it's not going to benefit from either of these changes and you may be better just going with a standard exhaust system in the end. If you have any more questions on exhaust components just leave us a question in the comment area.
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